For anyone curious about what was said, on leveraging yourself to get ahead professionally, in particular they were referencing the movie industry and Harvey Weinstein taking advantage of young actresses and the casting couch:
“This will probably be pretty unpopular but I kind of felt that way about the Me Too movement. Guys shouldn’t be dicks in the workplace, they especially shouldn’t be raping you and those types of things, obviously, but being propositioned doesn’t mean you have to do it. …You can walk away. You can say fine, I’m going to lose my job, and it’s not fun, we shouldn’t be in that position, I shouldn’t have been in that position that that boss put me in to live in my car. But you also don’t have to do it, and something better will work out if you invest in yourself that way. …It’s so hard for people to believe but I’ve never seen it not work out. Every time I made the hard choice, it was like, rainbow, magical stuff happened, that I never would have thought would have, because I didn’t compromise my humanity. You can’t compromise your humanity and expect good things are come out of it, but I think if you invest in your humanity, magic happens, I see it all the time.”
later, on saying no in these situations, again in reference specifically to the Hollywood casting couch... "you pay a big price, and it really sucks, and we shouldn't have to. You definitely shouldn't have to."
Obviously, this statement comes from a position of immense privilege, since she was very lucky that it did work out. But nothing was said about women exaggerating their claims.