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Your support and response to my book have been amazing. Many of you have asked for me to share some ways that I've learned to create change in my life. Over the next 7 weeks, I'll be releasing a behind-the-scenes look at a website I am creating that will explore some of the exercises that I have developed to help me retrain my brain. Thank you for helping Never Broken become a best-seller and I welcome you along the journey into this next chapter.
I have been working hard to make sure my new website Never Broken is ready to launch by September 20th, and have had some amazing people helping me get it together. So many people have been asking me about the 20 principles in the back of my book, and if there were specific exercises I created to help me live them and make them second nature in my life. Indeed there have been many exercises I developed over my life, and so I decided to share them with you. They are all the mindfulness practices I used to create change and resilience in my life.I am starting with the launch of 3 principles and exercises- Gratitude Practice, Hard Wood Grows Slowly, and Retrain your brain. Each principle will come with 3 Things,1- the philosophy that inspired them, 2- the written exercise, which is simple and easy to do and practice in your life,3- the science behind why the exercise works- so you can see just what a powerful impact these practices can have on your brain, and thus your life.Descartes said, "I think, therefor I am." What I have learned in life is "I perceive what I think, therefor I am." If we can perceive our thoughts, we are something other than just our thoughts. I call this my Greater Sense Of Intelligence. It is this force in us that is the best guide and driver of our life. This website is designed to give you some of the tools I have gathered that helped me get in touch with my greater sense of intelligence. Cultivating this relationship with my own internal knowing and intuition in turn helped me witness my thoughts, and begin to learn how to abstain from self-defeating ones. Basically, this helped make my inner knowing the driver, and my mind the steering wheel. And this is what a mind was intended to be- a powerful tool that helps align our intent and purpose and values to our will to create action. In an awakened state the process looks like this: Our Intuition/Soul/Inner Knowing informs us about what our passions and truth are in life, our thoughts then help us align action to this command, and our actions are the final physical manifestation of this alignment. The outcome in the scenario is a life that outwardly shows the peace, confidence and wisdom that was first created in the inner world. The alternative, and what many of us do in life, is we forget whom the driver is- we loose a relationship with our self, and so no one is behind the wheel, and our minds run away on us, like a car with no driver, and hijack us. Our will and actions never align to anything deeper than the minds ramblings about being reactive to a series of events on any given day, or projection past hurts into the present where they wreak havoc. In this scenario our actions reflect a disorderly, scattered and anxiety-driven mind. We are much more than our minds. We are more than a collection of thoughts - there is an I AM in there, with the power to witness and choose our thoughts. And it's this that I have a passion for helping others cultivate. And much of it is done through cultivating stillness (this helps you hear the quiet voice of your own knowing), and learning to reverse the negative voices of your mind. Each month I will debut another Principle, and we will feed you more information and inspiration on that month’s topicI'm very excited to share this information with you, as I truly believe happiness is for everyone. It does not depend on your socio or economic position in life- (in fact, I developed most of these while I was homeless, and I credit these simple mindfulness exercises for changing my life). Happiness stems from what we think and how we perceive the world. I hope you will join me over at JewelNeverBroken.com September 20th!
I probably won't be spending much time on that site. :/