I just received the album...so I'm not tired off it yet (just kidding because it took over a month and a lot of efforts to receive the record and cd)
But honestly, I'm not listening much to it, but it's for several reasons:
Just like Robbie said: it's abreak-up album, and it's not a point where I am in my life right now.
I listen to so much music. the last 3 years I'm constantly searching for new music listen to small artists/bands it's another phase I'm in.
The rest of the family doesn't like the album, my wife likes some songs of her but no hysterical or very emotional ones (I do like it but no one is always in the mood for it) and I don't listen music with a headphone very often.
I've listened and listen a lot to dark and sad songs, but the last few months I felt close to depression, maybe it even was/ still is a little), nothing scary, have been there a few times before and know how to deal with it but at a low point it is good to hear some really sad songs just to assist with feeling and dealing with pain. but when I'm not so deep in it it's better to have more happy songs to cheer up.
In general it's not an album one is playing all the time
But having said all that, It still is a beautiful album and I'm still very happy with it.
I really love it and I think after the first 3 albums wich I really loved it was really glad she made this kind of music again, the albums in between were ok but not really great for me. And this one is again.