I really don't know who Ann Coulter is, but I can see one clear thing about her, she doesn't know how to "receive" jokes/roast. It's clear she doesn't know how to react or look. I'm sure it's not easy but she did choose to go.
She's a political whack job and really had no place on the panel. She got what she deserved. I thought Jewel and Payton Manning were the highlights. The rest was just toilet humour. Like, Ralph Macchio - was the whole point of his roast to prove he grew up and can curse? Lame. I also miss the days of when a roast was about roasting the person in the spotlight and not the entire panel. Out of all of them, I think Jewel walked away the least tarnished. There isn't much they can pick on aside from her teeth. Which is pretty over done at this point.
I didn't appreciate a lot of it. I thought telling Ann Coulter to kill herself was uncalled for and I didn't appreciate any of the 9/11 jokes. Then again, I'm