I just got a chance to listen to all of this.
The Dolly Parton guitar thing cracked me up. I like more Dolly Parton than I realized. I knew exactly what Jewel was talking about with the nail thing, and it made me laugh harder. I figured most people don't know much about Dolly, or that she even plays the guitar (quite well), so I thought I would plop this video here. I always thought when Jewel went country, she changed her voice and inflection on certain words to sound more like Dolly. Perfect example is when she sings the line "the kind of woman I'd want my daughter to be" in Stronger Woman.
Just babbling while I have my coffee. Hope someone enjoys this. I lust love watching the way different people play guitar. Hopefully, I can also get the video to embed right, as I usually only manage that 50% of the time.