Jewel was great at the Books-A-Million in Birmingham this evening. She opened with her "I'm a singer/song writer raised on a ranch in Homer, Alaska and we had to kill or can everything we ate," introduction.

Jewel then sang three songs, "Hands, My Fathers Daughter, and finished up with Mercy." Birmingham was advertised and promoted as a Book Signing Only.

I had coffee with Scott, the Marketing VP for Books-A-Million about 4:30 pm at Joe Mugs in the store, and he said Jewels people said she was going to sing. He also said the room was setup with 150 seats. Actual numbers were around 110 to 125. Very nice setup.

Jewel asked for questions at end of songs. I asked about possible EDA Show in future, next year or so? Jewel said there has been some discussion but no real plans at this time. She went on to explain who and what the Every Day Angels are.
I commented I had missed the Swanky Soiree, Jewel "Well you missed out on that one." "to bad you would have looked good there."

The signings only took about 35-40 minutes. Her B-A-M staff helpers moved everyone through quickly, and while there were no "posed pictures" staff members took pictures of you and Jewel while she signed your book, using your camera or smartphone.
Jewel mentioned there were plans in the works for a possible "Picking Up the Pieces Tour," in Jan, Feb, Mar. 2016

So keep listening for updates, ask the same question at signings you attend around the country.