So I received no answers on any of my 3 emails. But today I received a stadard shipment update.

I can't believe it...the shipped it with USPS again, after it they turn it over to the dutch mail it is not trace-able anymore.

I hope they updated my adress with the housenumber this time, otherwise it will be lost for sure...
Why not send it with Fed-ex again? I'm afraid because they processed this standardly, that gives me a bad feeling about shipping it together with the Greatest Hits vinyl record as well...
It doesn't have to go wrong, but the chance it does increased pretty big...
So I send a 4th mail to them

, I don't think they will answer this one as well, but I'll wait again. First and last time I ordered at this shop, too bad for my collection.
But's weekend!!!

Enjoy yours everybody, I will enjoy mine for sure, this tiny matter won't change that.