I had to returnd the ebook but I managed to read a few chapters and found the ones with all the Nedra thing. I never though it was so bad. Those people that surraunded her...it just sick and terrible! Ty was her light and I understand now why she loved him so much and still does.
The fact that she lived all those years not knowing how much money she had, leaving everything to her mom and other people is just incredible. I would expect her to be more independent in that domain of her life, but then again she got cought in the Wonderland magic. GAIW really makes sense now. I think I'm learning to read Jewel lyrics better now... some lyrics are pretty explicit at this point.
Also the fisrts chapters where she talks about her childhood is a lot like CDTD, but it fills some gaps and there are a few new stories too.
I did notices in the photo section. There are pics from the Alaska trip and they are dated 2008, but it was 2009 acctually. I tweeted it to her but I guess no one really cares but me
Cant wait for my physical copy so I can finish it!