So... American Airlines sucks!!! My 6 hour flight took 18 hours because they had a mechanical failure or a conniption or something (I've sworn to only fly Virgin American direct flights from now on). I had my Kindle with me with no decent cell phone service and it had few of the books I bought on it (despite a mostly empty flash chip!?!). But, Jewel's book was on it. So, I finally finished it/re-read it.
The whole book just made me really sad. Nedra reminded me so much of my dad. (I feel kind of bad for her, too, though.) Plus, it was such a total shock to be someone that followed her career and to have listened to interviews and read her writings and then to hear about how different things were from what she presented. Wow!
BTW, I don't think I can like Violet Eyes as much as I did, now.