Everyone who is interested in participating, please post in this thread.
If you're interested, after you post your interest, please send me a PM with your address for a database. I will then randomly select a recipient for each participant. Folks will know who to get a gift for, but not who they'll get a gift from.
Regarding price, a good guideline is to figure around 20 - 30 bucks. We're all well connected via facebook and twitter and whatnot, so if you don't know your recipient, try to find out about them. . . it'll be easy. Of course, it's also fun to send/receive gifts that are representative of your home town/state/country. Those sorts of gifts are always received well.
Deadline for registration will be 11/13/15. This would give plenty of time to round up a gift and ship it. Please keep in mind that not all of our members are located in the United States, so there is a chance you'll have to ship your package overseas. It's not hard to do; however, if this is not an option for you, and you need your recipient to be located in your country or on your continent, make that clear in your PM.
I will not leak your addresses or hold on to them for any reason past this event. Your locations are all safe. If you prefer, you can always have your package sent to a friends house or a place of business, just please note this in your PM so your Santa knows to address it as such:
Jessica EDA
c/o My Workplace (if applicable)1234 Fake Street
Faketown, AZ 82222 USA
Make sure your address is written out to ship from anywhere in the world if you can. If you're not sure, let me know and I'll be happy to help.
I have seen this work out wonderfully in the past and I've also seen it go horribly wrong when people don't fulfill their Santa duties. Please please please make sure you can really do this if you want to sign up. It sucks to send a present and not get one in return.
We'll all then post what we got from our Santas!
Any questions, comments or concerns can be addressed in this thread or via PM.